About Alistair

Alistair Teale trained at the European School of Osteopathy in Maidstone, graduating with an Integrated Masters Degree in Osteopathy in 2014. He has since worked in this clinic in Hastings and in Maidstone at the Scott Osteopathic and Health Clinic.

He is registered with the General Osteopathic Council, in accordance with the requirement of UK law, which protects the title Osteopath. He is a member of the Institute of Osteopathy.

Contact details Hastings

Telephone    01424 428754

Mobile          07522 301135

Email             osteopafteale@gmail.com


Work schedule

Tuesday           1.30pm-7.30pm

Friday               8.30am-7.00pm

Contact details Maidstone

Telephone      01622 631401

Mobile            07522 301135

Email                alistairtealeosteo@gmail.com

Work schedule

Monday          8.00am-7.00pm

Thursday        8.00am-7.00pm